Partners launch market consultation to inform content updates in early 2023
Click here to participate in the market consultation before 31st Octoberand be part of this next evolution of the Partners’ collective efforts.…
Partners summarise common messages in response to the ISSB General Requirements Exposure Draft consultation
Several Platform Partners submitted responses to the ISSB consultation on IFRS S1, either individually or with other Partners. This update summarises the messages that are common to their responses.
IFRS Foundation now an Observer to the Platform, following consolidation of CDSB and VRF
Following the completed consolidation of two former Partners into the IFRS Foundation, the Partners of the Impact Management Platform have welcomed the IFRS Foundation as an Observer.
New guidance now available for investors and financial institutions looking to manage their sustainability impacts
The Partners of the Impact Management Platform have released guidance that caters to investors and financial institutions.
Impact Management Platform launched to address calls for clarity on how to manage impact
Leading international providers of sustainability standards and guidance have launched the Impact Management Platform to mainstream the practice of impact management.