The Actions of impact management are the core steps and components of impact management. Explore the Actions using the interactive visual below. Below the visual is information on: how to navigate the Actions; why organisations manage their impacts; which organisations manage their impacts; and the fundamental characteristics of impact management. Click here to explore.
Embed impact management into strategy according to organisational purpose and goals
The interactive visual above is split into three sections to represent:
The actions of impact management common to any enterprise, investor or financial institution (referred to by the Platform as “organisations”) and that are iterated over time (middle / dark grey);
The actions of impact management performed externally to support organisations (outer / light grey); and
How both the internal and external actions inform an organisation’s overall strategy and governance (inner / black).
Relevant resources are referenced throughout the the texts on the actions pages. Most (but not all) pertain to the Partner organisations. These can also found on the Platform’s searchable Resource list and System map.