Integrated Reporting Framework
Reporting framework that provides principles-based guidance for organisations seeking to create an integrated report, containing both financial and non-financial information. The guidance is tailored specifically for private sector, for-profit companies, but the Framework can also be applied to the public sector and non-for-profit organisations.
Use this resource to:
- Communicate: Report to providers of financial capital on sustainability topics that are likely to affect value creation over the short-, medium-, and long-term.
Standard on Applying Social Value Principle 1: Engage Stakeholders
Standard and guidance on how to apply the first of SVI’s Social Value Principles.
Use this resource to:
- Identify: Use the guidance on identifying stakeholders and engaging with them to understand actual and potential significant impacts.
- Set targets and plan: Use the guidance on identifying stakeholders, engaging with them, and collecting information to help shape strategy and objectives.