Impact Mappings

Last updated: 2024

The excel-based Impact Mappings are standalone versions of the research embedded in UNEP FI’s Impact Analysis Tools, split into two parts. The first part, Sector Mappings, shows the strength of connection between economic activities (using ISIC classification) and positive and negative impacts (using UNEP FI’s Impact Radar). The second part, Needs Mappings, tracks a selection of indicators at global, country and local levels as a way to estimate the sustainable development needs in different geographies.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Identify: Use the Sector-Impact map to understand the impact areas and topics associated with different economic activities, understand positive and negative associations, and identify key sectors for different impact areas and topics.

Investment Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool

Last updated: 2021

The Investment Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool helps financial institutions holistically understand and manage the actual and potential impacts of their investment portfolios. It aligns with UNEP FI’s unique holistic approach to impact and helps to implement PRB Principle 2 on Impact Analysis.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Identify: Identify impact areas and topics related to economic, environmental and social factors associated with an investment portfolio, based on an objective review (cartography) of the portfolio’s sectoral and geographic breakdown.
  • Measure, assess and value: Assess current practices and performance in relation to the bank’s most significant impact areas by integrating the outputs of the ‘Identification’ tools with additional data.
  • Set targets and plan: Use the outcome of the practice and performance assessment to set targets and define the bank’s action plan.
  • Implement: Develop action plans that outline specific strategies, initiatives and measures that the bank will undertake to address the identified impact areas.
  • Monitor, learn and adapt: PRB signatories can use the Tool to periodically update and review information on their impact performance, as part of the requirements set out in Principle 2.

Corporate Impact Analysis Tool

Last updated: 2023

The Corporate Impact Analysis Tool helps banks and investors understand the actual and potential impacts of their clients and investee companies, as part of their impact management strategy and processes.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Implement: Banks and investors can use the Tool’s findings to carry out portfolio management and client engagement. Additionally, the Tool can be used by enterprises themselves to integrate impact management into their own strategic planning and business development practices.

Portfolio Impact Analysis Tool for Banks

Last updated: 2023

This tool is designed to help banks and investors holistically understand and manage the actual and potential impacts of their portfolios.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Identify: Understand the impact areas and topics associated with a bank’s portfolio, based on portfolio composition and context; and identify the bank’s most significant impact areas.
  • Measure, assess and value: Assess current practice and performance vis-à-vis most significant impact areas, by combining the tool’s ‘Identification’ outputs with additional data; use the assessment as a basis for target-setting and defining the bank’s action plan.
  • Set targets and plan: Define relevant and meaningful targets and action plans.
  • Implement: Inform and carry out impact management process.
  • Monitor, learn and adapt: Monitor practice and performance; and use the assessment to make improvements and adjust targets.