IRIS+ Core Metrics Sets

Last updated: 2019

The Core Metrics Sets belong to the IRIS+ Fundamentals guidance series, offering an overview of the core concepts and rules underpinning the IRIS+ methodology for measuring and managing impact.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Measure, assess and value: Impact investors can use the Core Metrics Sets to assess the impacts of their investments.

Standard on applying Social Value Principle 7: Verify the result

Last updated: 2022

This document sets the SVI Standard to apply Principle 7: Verify the result. The essence of this Principle is to take action; to make decisions about social value in response to data and measurement.

Use this resource to:

  • Verification, assurance and certification: Ensure stakeholders are involved in reviewing the final results and verifying them assurance is being provided on behalf of the people who experience the changes in their life.

Standard on applying Social Value Principle 6: Be Transparent

Last updated: 2022

This document sets the SVI Standard to apply Principle 6: Be Transparent. The essence of this Principle is to take action; to make decisions about social value in response to data and measurement.

Use this resource to:

  • Communicate: Demonstrate the basis on which the analysis may be considered accurate and honest, and show that it will be reported to and discussed with stakeholders.

Guidance on Transition Finance

Last updated: 2022

The Guidance on Transition Finance provides recommendations and best practices for financial institutions, policymakers, and other stakeholders on how to transition to a low-carbon, sustainable economy. The guidance offers insights into how transition finance can be mobilised to finance projects and activities that facilitate the shift towards environmental sustainability and climate resilience.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Set targets and plan: Establish clear and measurable objectives for transition finance initiatives, aligning them with the organisation’s sustainability goals and transition pathways.

Guidance on core indicators for entity reporting on contribution towards implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

Last updated: 2019

This guidance provides practical information on how core indicators can be measured in a consistent manner and in alignment with countries’ needs on monitoring the attainment of the SDG agenda. It intends to assist entities to provide baseline data on sustainability-related issues in a consistent and comparable manner, which would meet the common needs of different stakeholders.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Measure, assess and value: Collect information on the core indicators covering areas of economic, environmental, social and institutional performance. For each indicator, the guidance provides a definition, measurement methodology, and potential sources of information. The guidance also explains the links and alignment with relevant macro SDG indicators.
  • Communicate: Provide baseline data on sustainability-related issues in a consistent and comparable manner.

Impact Protocol for Banks

Last updated: 2022

The Impact Protocol provides a step-by-step guide of how to analyse and manage a bank’s portfolio impacts, as per UNEP FI’s holistic impact approach and in alignment with the requirements of the Principles for Responsible Banking. The Protocol provides an overview of the impact management process as a whole and is complemented by other UNEP FI resources including the Impact Management Tool and the Thematic Target-Setting Guidance, which can be used to operationalise the Protocol.

This is a cross-cutting resource, meaning that it supports the internal impact management process as a whole, rather than one or a few of the Actions of Impact Management.

Standard on applying Social Value Principle 8: Be Responsive

Last updated: 2022

This document sets the SVI Standard to apply Principle 8: Be Responsive. The essence of this Principle is to take action; to make decisions about social value in response to data and measurement.

Use this resource to:

  • Implement: Create a structured ‘impact management approach’ that can guide decision making at strategic, tactical, and operational levels to optimise impacts on wellbeing for all materially affected stakeholder groups. This means implementing activities that are designed to maximise the extent and rate of positive changes in wellbeing, whilst also identifying and eliminating activities that result in negative changes in wellbeing as fast as possible.

Sustainability Performance Classification (ABC of Enterprise Impact)

Last updated: 2023

The ‘ABC’ of impact provides a way to connect these high-level intentions – which are what most enterprises and investors start with – to the more granular dimensions of impact and data categories, which help to measure and manage impact.

Use this resource to:

  • Connect high-level intentions – which are what most enterprises and investors start with – to the more granular dimensions of impact and data categories, which help to measure and manage impact.

Global guidance on the integration of environmental, social and governance risks into insurance underwriting

Last updated: 2020

This guide is the first of its kind globally for managing ESG risks in risk assessment and insurance underwriting. It has an initial focus on non-life insurance business, also known as property and casualty insurance business.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Identify: Understand the materiality of ESG risks to various lines of business and economic sectors, including characteristics that might affect the ability to assess and mitigate such risks.
  • Implement: Address the growing concerns by stakeholders across society (e.g. NGOs, investors, governments).

Why and how investors should act on human rights

Last updated: 2020

This paper sets out how investors can ensure they respect human rights across all their investment activities, as defined by the UN and OECD.

Use this resource to:

  • Measure, assess and value: Understand the extent to which investors are facilitating human rights harm; the extent to which they could or should have known; and the quality of any mitigating steps.