GRI Standards

Last updated: Various

The GRI Standards are a modular system of interconnected standards for reporting on sustainability performance, covering a wide range of sustainability topics, including climate change, human rights, labour practices and product responsibility. They enable organisations to measure, manage and communicate their sustainability performance effectively.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Communicate: Report to all stakeholders on material topics that reflect the organisation’s most significant impacts. GRI’s standardised metrics help the organisation and its stakeholders compare performance with others.

GRI Topic-specific Standards

Last updated: n/a

Reporting standards designed to help organisations understand and disclose their impacts in a way that meets the needs of multiple stakeholders. These standards are arranged by a set of Universal Standards that apply to all organisations, and 35 Topic Standards that contain disclosures for impacts related to economic, environmental and social topics.

Use this resource to:

  • Measure, assess and value: The standards themselves provide guidance on selecting metrics to report. Using standardised metrics helps the organisation and its stakeholders compare performance with others.
  • Communicate: Report to all stakeholders on ‘material topics’ that reflect the organisation’s most significant impacts.

GRI Sector Standards

Last updated: n/a

GRI is developing standards for 40 sectors to compliment their current topic standards.

Use this resource to:

  • Identify: Identify sustainability topics to measure using the list of topics listed for each Sector Standard.
  • Measure, assess and value: Identify metrics to measure for each significant topic. The standards themselves provide guidance on selecting metrics to report.
  • Communicate: Report to all stakeholders on ‘material topics’ that reflect the organisation’s most significant impacts. The Sector Standards are a helpful starting point for identifying likely significant impacts.

Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into Corporate Reporting: A Practical Guide

Last updated: 2018

Guidance on how to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into reporting processes.

Use this resource to:

  • Communicate: Use the guidance to disclose positive and negative contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals.