WBA Benchmark Methodologies

Last updated: 2021

Benchmarks that rank companies based on their impact. The WBA recognises that transformations are needed to achieve sustainability across seven systems. In each of these seven systems, companies that have a big role to play in hindering or advancing progress towards a sustainable future are identified as ‘keystone’ companies. WBA then develops a publicly available methodology for each system (or component of a system), drawing on existing standards to identify relevant topics and associated metrics for companies to disclose against.

Use this resource to:

  • Find the methodology that corresponds best to the ‘system’ that the organisation operates within. Understand the list of topics and methodologies in the relevant ‘system’ when identifying sustainability topics to measure

Standard on Applying Social Value Principle 2: Understand What Changes (Part 1 – Creating Well Defined Outcomes)

Last updated: 2015

Standard and guidance on how to apply the second of SVI’s Social Value Principles.

Use this resource to:

  • Measure, assess and value: Engage with stakeholders to collaboratively agree on which outcomes to measure. This practice standard contains guidance on how an organisation can examine ‘chains of events’ and engage with stakeholders to decide the most appropriate point of measurement to support management decision-making (framed as ‘well-defined’ outcomes).

Standard on Applying Social Value Principle 2: Understand What Changes (Part 2 – Designing Indicators (Metrics) to Measure the Outcomes)

Last updated: n/a

Forthcoming: Standard and guidance on how to apply the second of SVI’s Social Value Principles.

Use this resource to:

  • Measure, assess and value: Design custom metrics. This practice standard builds on Part 1, which outlines how to design custom metrics to measure a ‘well-defined’ outcome.

Principles of Social Value

Last updated: 2015

The Principles of Social Value guide organisations in considering social value in decision-making, aiming to optimise value for all stakeholders materially affected by their activities. The practice standards help organisations to implement each principle to a point where they are accountable for their activities.

This is a cross-cutting resource, meaning that it supports the internal impact management process as a whole, rather than one or a few of the Actions of Impact Management.

Standard on Applying Social Value Principle 1: Engage Stakeholders

Last updated: 2019

Standard and guidance on how to apply the first of SVI’s Social Value Principles.

Use this resource to:

  • Identify: Use the guidance on identifying stakeholders and engaging with them to understand actual and potential significant impacts.
  • Set targets and plan: Use the guidance on identifying stakeholders, engaging with them, and collecting information to help shape strategy and objectives.

OECD Statistics

Database of the OECD’s publicly available statistics.

Use this resource to:

  • Identify: Use the database to identify areas of need in relation to specific sustainability topics. Especially useful for organisations designing business models to meet the needs of a group of people or the natural environment.

World Bank Open Data

Database of the World Bank’s publicly available statistics.

Use this resource to:

  • Identify: Use the database to identify areas of need in relation to specific sustainability topics. Especially useful for organisations designing business models to meet the needs of a group of people or the natural environment.

OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Last updated: 2011

The Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are a set of voluntary principles and standards that promote responsible business conduct among multinational enterprises (MNEs). They cover various areas, including human rights, labour relations, environmental protection, anti-corruption and consumer protection, aiming to help MNEs align their business practices with societal expectations, and contribute to sustainable development.

This is a cross-cutting resource, meaning that it supports the internal impact management process as a whole, rather than one or a few of the Actions of Impact Management.

Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Last updated: 2000

The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact list how organisations should, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. They apply across all geographies in which the enterprise operates, and assert that good practices in one business area do not offset harm in another. They draw on several international declarations and other authoritative documents.

Use this resource for the following Actions of Impact Management:

  • Strategy: Align strategy with the Ten Principles to prioritise societal needs such as the SDGs.

Sustainable Development Goals

Last updated: 2015

A set of internationally agreed goals that are required to create a more sustainable future for all people and the environment.

Use this resource to:

  • Set targets and plan: Categorise objectives according to internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals.